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Europæisk prisopgave, indkaldelse til 2023

Forside/Nyheder og arrangementer/Europæisk prisopgave, indkaldelse til 2023

EFNIL kårer Europas bedste specialer indenfor sprogstudierne

EFNIL er den Europæiske Samarbejdsorganisation for Nationale Sproginstitutioner (the European Federation of National Institutions for Language).

EFNIL inviterer studerende til at deltage i en konkurrence med henblik på at kåre Europas tre bedste specialer indenfor emnerne sprogbrug, sprogpolitik og flersproglighed.

Hver vinder modtager:

  1. ‘The EFNIL Master’s Thesis Award’ (1.500 euro)
  2. En indbydelse til at præsentere specialets resultater på den årlige EFNIL-konference (med alle udgifter betalt)
  3. Mulighed for at udgive en videnskabelig artikel (baseret på specialet) i EFNILs eget tidsskrift
  4. Mulighed for at udgive specialet i sin helhed på EFNILs hjemmeside: www.efnil.org.

Dansk Sprognævn er medlem af EFNIL. Se det fulde opslag på engelsk herunder og på EFNILs hjemmeside.

Læs om vinderne af prisopgaverne i de tidligere år på EFNILs hjemmeside.

EFNIL Master’s Thesis Competition

EFNIL (the European Federation of National Institutions for Language) calls on students to participate in a competition to find the best master’s theses in Europe within the area of language use, language policy and multilingualism.

The award

The students that submit the best three theses will each be awarded:

  1. the EFNIL Master Thesis Award (1500 Euro)
  2. an invitation to present their thesis at the annual international EFNIL conference (all expenses paid)
  3. the opportunity to publish an article based on their thesis in EFNIL’s annual conference proceedings
  4. the opportunity to publish the full thesis on EFNIL’s website www.efnil.org.


EFNIL is an independent organisation that brings together representatives from the major language organisations and other national language bodies of the member states of the European Union and associated countries. The Federation seeks to promote European linguistic diversity, with particular reference to the national languages of the European Union.

The Federation’s objectives include:

  • To promote European linguistic diversity as a means of preserving and extending the richness of European culture and developing a sense of shared European identity
  • To support the European national languages as the best guarantors of linguistic opportunity within their respective member states
  • To support the European language organisations in their roles as centres of excellence for linguistic analysis and description and as advisory bodies on language policy to relevant political institutions
  • To facilitate the exchange of information and the development and promotion of joint European linguistic research projects between language institutions
  • To encourage, within each member state:

Relevant topics

We are interested in studies that relate to the fields mentioned above, such as

  • Bilingual language learning
  • Language teaching strategies
  • Language use in a multilingual setting
  • Aims and effects of language policies
  • Comparative studies of language policies
  • Language technology and multilingualism
  • Translation and interpretation.

The languages studied in the thesis may be any of the European languages, but the thesis must be written in one of the official EU languages.

Preference will be given to theses that analyse and discuss political actions or policies.

EFNIL has collected detailed information about language policies and language practices in most European countries in its project European Language Monitor (ELM) and has made this information available online: www.efnil.org/projects/ELM. EFNIL encourages students to make use of this information and to contact the EFNIL Secretariat or EFNIL member institutions directly for further information.

Selection of the winners

The theses will be assessed by a jury on the basis of:

  1. the academic content
  2. the assessment by the university
  3. a summary 3-5 pages
  4. a recommendation by the supervisor of the thesis.

The jury will consist of five members selected by EFNIL’s executive committee.

Conditions for participation

Participants must provide the following documents in electronic form:

  1. a reasoned application for the award (one page in English)
  2. a copy of the thesis (in any official EU language)
  3. a summary of the thesis (3-5 pages in English)
  4. a copy of the assessment of the thesis conducted by the university to which it is submitted (in any official EU language)
  5. a recommendation to EFNIL by the supervisor of the thesis (in English).

All documents must be submitted in electronic form as either PDF, ODF or WORD files and sent in an e-mail to efnil@nytud.hu.


The winners will be notified two months after the submission deadline, and their names will be published on the EFNIL website. They will receive an invitation to present a paper based on their results at the annual EFNIL conference, which takes place in a European country in September/October, and subsequently to publish an article in the conference proceedings. Furthermore, the winners receive an offer to publish the full thesis on EFNIL’s website.

Submission deadlines

Deadlines for submission are 15 January 2023.

Theses assessed by a university in 2022 are accepted.

Contact information

For further information, please contact the EFNIL Secretariat at efnil@nytud.hu.